Our Mission
Our core competence is executive leadership. We draw from this knowledge when managing complex change projects and developing organizations and leadership for our clients. We solve our clients problems in teams using our core competencies complemented by carefully selected Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).
We like to work with complex leadership and organizational problems where we can help leaders and organizations improve their possibilities to reach their strategic goals. Through a number of assignments executed since 1974 around the globe, Svennerstål & Partners have developed a thorough methodology – a methodology that stem from experience as well as scientifically- and psychological proven methods. This has given us unique know-how to identify challenges and development areas relevant for organizations and its leaders.
Our focus areas have always been assessment and situation analysis. From these areas of expertise we have executed a number of assignments within strategic development, organizational structure and culture development. Accumulated know-how from these involvements has given us a distinctive skill implementing change management projects, as well as a comprehensive knowledge encompassing assessment, assessment of leaders and development of organizations culture and learning. We have noted that organizations often possess more competencies and a competitive edge than they are aware of. And that the competencies and competitive edge are capped as result of personal and organizational issues respectively. We have especially observed that women often are the organizations hidden competence and potential. Through special programs regarding assessment of women, both in leading positions and in talent pools we have been able to find new employment opportunities. We are experts in exploiting the “assets” of an organization – through an assessment or a cultural change project. Working in close collaboration with leaders and employees we can identify possibilities and opportunities, this by always ensuring that employer-employee relations remain sound. In order to meet client’s expectation we strive hard finding a suitable work approach as well as assuring a structured, cost- and time effective implementation of the project. We want to enhance an organization through its leaders and ensure that strategic goals are met.
A part of our vision is to make people aware of how they can evolve, embrace possibilities, handle problems and achieve results. Consequently it is important for us to contribute with learning and change competencies – leaders and human resources are the focus of this learning. Leaders and human resources are often our extended arm into the organization. We have a philosophy believing that when people realize that they can achieve more, everything becomes easier and more fun. Therefore our contribution is always to document and publish our learning as well as articulate how we can work with people, enhance their competencies and how to develop organizations and their competencies. As an example of this look in to our portfolio of published articles and books.